2014 Seneca GSMDs make the year-end rankings*
December 2014
Merry Christmas from Zippo
Dear Santa Paws, You might be surprised to hear, but I've been a really good girl this year! I'm hoping you find me on your "nice" list and grant me one Christmas wish...a new hippo. Mayday and I have been extra sweet in helping the kitchen stay clean of all things that drop on the floor, keeping the couch warm and just being all-around darling. Please find it in your heart dear Santa to make a stop...I promise I'll share. Love your darling, Zippo |
November 2014
Two of the Kayak kids did great at the AHBA Thanksgiving all-breed herding trial in Winlock, WA, I couldn't be happier! Cutter, GCh. Seneca's Day Tripper JHD, NWPD, HTADIs earned his Herding Trial Arena Dog Title at the started level. Way to go Butterball!
Also, Gypsy Boots, Seneca's Gypsy Boots NWPD, JHD, HTADIsd, HRDIs, HTDId, HTADIIs, HTADIIIs, NDD earned an impressive Advanced title on sheep in Herding Trial Arena Dog. Pretty certain Gypsy is the first Greater Swiss Mountain Dog to have earned a advanced title in the AHBA venue. Congrats to them and to their amazing shepherd Dave Viklund of Double V Top Stock Dogs
New Champion at Midwest Regional Specialty
Seneca has another new champion! Patina, Ch. Seneca's All Shined And Lacquered Up earned her championship at the Ozark Kennel Club Mtn. Cluster in MO. The same weekend her mother Shine, GCh. Seneca's Collective Soul also went Best of Opposite Sex at the GSMDCA Midwest Regional Specialty. Good job girls! |
October 2014New Novice Draft Dog
Big congrats to Gypsy Boots! She earned her NDD (Novice Draft Dog) title at the Puget Sound St. Bernard test! Now Gypsy is Seneca's Gypsy Boots NWPD, JHD, HTADIsd, HRDIs, HTADIIs, HTDId, NDD Mommy Kayak and Daddy Stevie are super proud parents! Phew...That's a lot of letters... |
September 2014
GSMDCA National Specialty
Salty and I went on a cross country adventure to attend the 2014 GSDMCA National and Independent Specialties in Bethlehem, PA. My bred-by dog, Bentley joined me in Pennsylvania (thanks Kelly Nevin for bringing him!). It was nice to spend time with many long time friends & see all the lovely dogs from across the country. Congrats to all the winners, their breeder and owners! It was especially awesome to see Kim Woollard win Winner's Dog with her great young male Wally out of the 12-18 class. So exciting for her! Thank you to Debbie Fields & Cheryl Gerzabek for the photos!
National Specialty highlights
Salty and I went on a cross country adventure to attend the 2014 GSDMCA National and Independent Specialties in Bethlehem, PA. My bred-by dog, Bentley joined me in Pennsylvania (thanks Kelly Nevin for bringing him!). It was nice to spend time with many long time friends & see all the lovely dogs from across the country. Congrats to all the winners, their breeder and owners! It was especially awesome to see Kim Woollard win Winner's Dog with her great young male Wally out of the 12-18 class. So exciting for her! Thank you to Debbie Fields & Cheryl Gerzabek for the photos!
National Specialty highlights
- Sweepstakes, Salty took 1st place in her class of 15 months and under 18 months
- Bentley took 1st place in Bred-by Exhibitor dogs
- In Futurity both Salty and Bentley went 2nd in their respective classes
- Hannah went Best Junior Handler with her boy Emmett, GCh. Seneca's Dream On (he also made the 1st cut in the bred ring!)
- Handled Royce in Brood Bitch for my dear friend Kim Woollard where her bitch Dolly won "Brood Bitch" in what seemed like the largest Brood Bitch class I have ever participated in at a National Specialty. Kudos to Kim for her hard work and dedication!
- Salty got to show in the ring with her dad, George, for stud dog
Independent Specialty highlights
- Sweepstakes, Bentley went 1st place in his class of 15 months and under 18 months
- Hannah went Best Junior Handler again with her boy Emmett, GCh. Seneca's Dream On
- I was honored to handle Stevie, GCh. Shadetree's Xango ROM in Veteran Sweepstakes and he earned BOS Veteran
2013 Awards Banquet brought to fruition a special award and goal I had made almost 9 years ago. My foundation bitch Kayak, Ch. Painted Mtn. Kascade Rapids ROM, received her Register of Merit (ROM) certification with the GSMDCA. Kayak is such a special girl and she is the foundation of the Seneca GSMDs. Earning a ROM with any individual is a challenging feat, and I am so thankful to all the owners the dogs who made Kayak's ROM attainable. I also was recognized for meeting the requirements for the Breeder's Cup Achievement Award.
I'm looking forward to 2015 as I hope to accomplish my second ROM with our 2nd foundation bitch Tippy. Obtaining Tippy's ROM will also make the 15th Champion bred here at Seneca GSMDs in Indiana since I began breeding swissies in 2008. Thanks to my mentors and friends who have encouraged me throughout the years. As winter sets in across the Midwest, you'll find our dogs enjoying their farm life and we have some fun outings planned before the holidays as well the hope for two exciting new litters of swissy babies!
I'm looking forward to 2015 as I hope to accomplish my second ROM with our 2nd foundation bitch Tippy. Obtaining Tippy's ROM will also make the 15th Champion bred here at Seneca GSMDs in Indiana since I began breeding swissies in 2008. Thanks to my mentors and friends who have encouraged me throughout the years. As winter sets in across the Midwest, you'll find our dogs enjoying their farm life and we have some fun outings planned before the holidays as well the hope for two exciting new litters of swissy babies!
July 2014
Summertime at the farm...
June 2014Lake Shore Specialty Show
June 14, 2014 -- For the second year in a row, beautiful Shine won Best of Opposite Sex at the the Lake Shore Great Swiss Mountain Dog Club Specialty Show in Grayslake, IL for 5 GCH points going over 5 specials and a 16 classes bitches! June 13, 2014 -- Shine went Best of Opposite Sex Little Fort Kennel Club Show Grayslake, IL 5 pt GCH major & Castle also picked up 5 GCH pts going Select Dog May 2014Tricks's New Champion
May 31st, 2014 Trick has his first AKC Champion! Ch. Cedarcoves Stack and Deliver Siren's Trick Cent "Lincoln" earned his championship at the Flatiron Kennel Club Show in Boulder City, CO and is from Trick's first litter he sired with Ch. CedarCove's Alarming Muse (Siren) Congrats to breeder Carolyn Wamsley and owners Kristen Langan and Jeremy Rudolf on this accomplishment, Daddy Trick & I are very proud! April 2014We had a great time in Illinois this past week (April 24-27), the sun was finally shining and it was a wonderful week to have fun showing and for some good ol' grass time!
Hoosier Tire Cluster (South Bend, IN)I had such a wonderful time at the show with friends, it was a great way to spend a weekend! Salty did super, she went WB on Friday for 1pt and then on Saturday she won WB/BOW/BOS for her first major! To top it off we also earned a AOH Group 2. It is so fun and rewarding showing my Tippy girls.
Castle also had a terrific weekend with his handler Ashley Schaffter, he went Select Dog all three days of the show and earned his Grand Champion title! Way to go! Salty with her friends Rye & Bentley from Cherished Swissies
![]() Way to go Castle! Castle earned his first and second working group placements this weekend at the M&M Cluster in Midland, MI being shown by Ashley Scaffter.
June 5th, 2014: Let's hear it for Ch. Seneca's Knight In Shining Armor CGC "Castle" who earned his first working group placement today on his 19th month birthday! A big thanks goes to Ashley Schaffter for working with Castle and showing him to his potential Castle is bringing home a Group 4 under Judge Joseph Gregory at the Midland Kennel Club Show in Midland, Michigan. Couldn't be more proud of this wonderful young dog and can't wait to see what the future holds for him! Thank you Judge Joseph Gregory for seeing something special. Looks like Castle is quite smitten with himself too! June 8th, 2014: Castle earned his second group placement at the Mount Pleasant Kennel Club Show in Midland, Michigan. He's had a great weekend away with Ashley Scaffter being shown, he thinks the show ring is really fun and loves all the extra treats. A big thank you to Judge Mrs. Barbara Dempsey Alderman for recognizing Castle with his Group 4 placement! Poppy is a Champion!
Poppy (Ch. Seneca's Nono's Notorious Red Poppy) goes BOW/BOS at Kokomo Kennel Club Show on May 17th and gets to add CH to her name now! Poppy is from the Italian Litter (Seuss x Zippo) & gives Zippo her 3rd champion offspring. Way to go happy girl, you make this so fun! Spring is in the air at Seneca!March 2014Seneca had a great weekend in Louisville at the Kentuckiana Cluster!
Congratulations to all of our friends on their wins as well! |
February 2014
New Novice Draft Dog
HUGE congrats to Jennie Chen and Vesta!! They earned their NDD (Novice Draft Dog) today at a Bernese Mtn. Dog test! Now Vesta is CH Roman Candle Reigns Vesta HIC CA WWDX WPD SWET WETT HT NDD Mommy Zippo and Daddy Rock are super proud parents!! Phew... That's a lot of letters... Indy Winter Classic
What a terrific showing for Seneca GSMD at the Indy Winter Classic in Indianapolis, I couldn't be more pleased!
It was a wonderful weekend spent with friends and it was great break from the winter weather. This was also Rex and Salty's first show, I had fantastic time working with these cuties and I can't wait to get them back in the ring. New Grand Champion!
Introducing new Grand Champion GCh. Seneca's Day Tripper NWPD JHD "Cutter" January 19th Cutter earned his new title at the Rose City Cluster in Portland, OR going Best of Breed for a 5pt major being handled by Rick Baggenstos, he finished his grand championship quickly with 8 major wins. |
February 11, 2014 Westminster Kennel Club Show
GCh. Seneca's Dream On RN HT, Emmett and Hanna Fournell-Ferrall did an awesome job at Westminster -- Emmett was given an Award of Merit. Couldn't be more proud of these two, Hannah has done such a wonderful job with Emmett and it is so nice to see a Seneca puppy from my first litter strutting his stuff at Westminster. Way to go! January 2014January 25th, huge win for Seneca's Knight In Shining Armor CGC "Castle" at the Grayslake Show, Castle won WD/BOW/BOB from the 12-18 class winning over specials and taking a 5pt major! Thank you to Gwen DeMilta for your expert handling! Also, our pretty girl GCh. Seneca's Collective Soul "Shine" also took BOS the same day, it was a wonderful day for Seneca GSMD.