HelixWhelped: September 13, 2015 (Potted Plants Litter)
Sire: CH Frecajo's Ace of Base Dam: CH Seneca's Nono's Notorious Red Poppy Co-Owner: Kelly Nevin Lovley Height at Shoulders: 26.5 inches Weight: 109 lbs |
- 5/1/16 : 1st Rally Novice leg and 4th place at Classic Toy Dog Club of Western Massachusetts Rally Trial
- 5/28/16: Winners Bitch/Best of Opposite Sex for 5pt major at Warren County Kennel Club of Ohio
- 5/29/16: Winners Bitch/Best of Opposite Sex for 4pt major at Cincinnati Kennel Club
- 7/17/16: Winners Bitch for 3pt major at Green Mountain Dog Club
- 8/25/16: Winners Bitch for 1pt at Newton Kennel Club
- 8/26/16: Winners Bitch for 2pt and NEW AKC CHAMPIONSHIP at Northwestern Connecticut Dog Club
- 9/27/16: GSMDCA National Specialty - earned Rally Novice leg and won Grand Futurity!
- 10/29/16: Select Bitch for 1 GCHpt at Queensboro Kennel Club
- 10/30/16: Select Bitch for 1 GCHpt at Riverhead Kennel Club
- 12/17/16: 3rd Rally Novice leg and NEW RALLY NOVICE TITLE at Lehigh Valley Kennel Club
- 1/14/17: Earned PT TITLE at GSMDCA Herding Trial; Portland, CT
- 2/23/17: Select Bitch for 2 GCHpts at First Company Governor's Foot Guard Athletic Association
- 2/24/17: Best of Breed for 4pt GCH major at First Company Governor's Foot Guard Athletic Association
- 2/26/17: Select Bitch for 2 GCHpts at Wallkill Kennel Club
- 3/5/17: Select Bitch/BOBOHfor 5pt GCH major at Connecticut River Working Dog Association
- 3/16/17: Best of Opposite Sex/BOBOH at Mid-Kentucky Kennel Club Show
- 3/17/17: Select Bitch at Louisville Kennel Club, Inc.
- 3/18/17: Select Bitch at Evansville Kennel Club, Inc. NEW AKC GRAND CHAMPION
- 3/19/17: Select Bitch Louisville Kennel Club, Inc.
- 4/14/17: Select Bitch Lebanon County Kennel Club
- 4/15/17: Select Bitch Harrisburg Kennel Club
- 4/21/17: Best of Opposite Sex for 1 GCH pt Springfield Kennel Club
- 4/22/17: Best of Opposite Sex for 1 GCH pt Pioneer Valley Kennel Club
- 5/14/17: Two Qualifying legs on ducks on AKC Started "A" Course at GSMDCA National Specialty Herding Trial
- 6/29/17: BOBOH/OHG4 Glens Fall Kennel Club
- 6/30/17: OS/BOBOH/OHG4 Saratoga New York Kennel Club
- 7/1/17: OS/BOBOH Chenango Valley Kennel Club
- 7/2/17: OS/BOBOH/OHG3 Del-Otso-Nango Kennel Club
- 7/6/17: Select Bitch Holyoke Kennel Club
- 7/13/17: Select Bitch/BOBOH - Woodstock Dog Club
- 7/15/17: Select Bitch - Brookhaven Kennel Club
- 8/24/17: Best of Breed/BOBOH - Newton Kennel Club
- 8/26/17: Best of Breed/BOBOH - Newton Kennel Club
- 8/27/17: Best of Breed/BOBOH - Elm City Kennel Club
- 9/1/17: Rally Advanced Leg & Beginner Novice Leg; Merrimack Valley Kennel Club
- 9/23/17: BOS/BOBOH/OHG2 - Northwestern Connecticut Dog Club, Inc.
- 9/29/17: BOB/BOBOH/OHG3 - Suffolk County Kennel Club
- 9/30/17: BOB/BOBOH/OHG4 - Suffolk County Kennel Club
- 10/1/17: BOB/BOBOH/OHG4 - Westbury Kennel Association (show #1)
- 10/1/17: BOB/BOBOH/OHG4 & 1st place and leg towards Rally Advanced title - Westbury Kennel Association (show #2)
- 10/21/17: Select Bitch - Albany Kennel Club
- 11/4/17: Rally Advanced Leg & New RA title - Burlington Obedience Training Club
- 11/24/17: BOS/BOBOH - South Windsor Kennel Club
- 11/25/17: Select Bitch - Windham County Kennel Club
- 11/26/17: Select Bitch - Springfield Kennel Club
- 12/16/17: AKC Novice Trick Dog title
- 3/14/18: BOS/BOBOH - First Company Governor's Foot Guard Athletic
- 3/14/18: Select Bitch - Connecticut River Working Group Association & NEW AKC BRONZE GRAND CHAMPION
- 3/31/18: Qualifying Leg for Rat Hunt Novice title & fastest qualifying time in class
- 4/8/18 Novice Draft Dog title; SCONE trial
- 4/28/18 Qualifying Leg for Rat Hunt Novice title
- 5/11/18: BOB/BOBOH - St. Hubert Kennel Club
- 5/20/18: American Temperament Test Society (ATTS) designation earned at Ohio Doberman Club in Wooster, OH
- 5/5/19 Final qualifying leg and new Barn Hunt Novice title!
- 5/14/19: Two qualifying legs towards Rally Excellent title
- 9/17/19: Final qualifying leg and new Rally Excellent title!
- 12/13/19: Qualifying leg and new Beginner Novice title!